Mission & Belief Statement
The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
We believe in the Triune God: God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the forgiveness of sin, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting.
We believe that salvation is a gift from God and Christ was sent as Savior for the World, for all people; people have only to receive that gift.
We believe that by God’s grace we are saved, called to faith, forgiven and called to holiness in thought, word and deed so that by God's grace we might love God completely and our neighbors as ourselves.
We believe that only through the Holy Spirit can we be transformed as persons who would be followers of Jesus and be effective in working as instruments of God’s love and grace in transforming the world.
We believe in two sacraments: Holy Communion and Baptism, including infant baptism.
We believe the Bible is the primary authority for our faith.